L’observation en bref
Numéro de dossier | AQU-2017/06/18 |
Date du rapport | 2017/06/18 |
Date de l’observation | 2017/06/17 |
Heure de l’observation | 22H04 |
Lieu | Sherbrooke |
Région | 05 – Estrie |
Résumé | Ufo in cross formation plus larger fading ufo |
Spécificités de l’observation
Nb de témoin(s) | 4 |
Forme de l’objet | Starlike |
Couleur de l’objet | Looked like a star |
Distance de l’objet | In space |
Vitesse approximative | Very fast |
Météo | Le ciel était Dégagé / La température 22 |
Annexe(s) |
Compte rendu du témoin
Me and a friend where in the park heading home … we had stopped for water and he looked up and saw 4 lights go across the sky and told me to look up … i had saw them too… they looked like stars flying thru the sky trying to make a cross formation … i had told him that we will never see something like that again and then just as i said that anktger set of 4 had gone by … then another set with 1 more then another set with 7 … meanwhile one that looked like the brightest star in the sky which was visibly the largest star in the sky had moved about an inch but as it was moving it slowly faded and dissappeared… then about another 16 had went by (in waves of 4) and the best oart that makes me feel not crazy is 2 other strangers where at the parc and had saw it aswell » |
Nom de l’enquêteur | |
Classification Vallée (voir légende) |
Degré de crédibilité (indice SVP) (voir légende) |