L’observation en bref
Numéro de dossier | AQU-2019/08/13 |
Date du rapport | 2019/08/13 |
Date de l’observation | 2019/08/12 |
Heure de l’observation | 00 (minuit)H21 |
Lieu | Longueuil |
Région | 06 – Montréal |
Résumé | Not sure what I was bus I wasn’t something I know and it’s was rectangle with powerful bluewish white light |
Spécificités de l’observation
Compte rendu du témoin
I was running outside for around 35 minute , listening my music very loud and reflecting on my day , than a burst like donut shape bluewish got my attention in the sky , I first wonder if that was due to the ref’ext Of the moonlight than quickly realize that wasn’t that ad -all . The spark donuts shape was a very powerful bluewish white , than after I saw it , stationary I was hudge , because I could se it’s was far but it’s was stil very imposant , i kinda could see trow this v shape but could distinct light from behind , then it’s saty there so I start taking picture of this thing… I was shock but amaze because it’s stay there enough longer me to understand what was happening . Then this thing made a turn like it’s slide on a way défiant all gravity rule . It’s wasnt making any sound and I couldn’t hear any rocker or propulsion engine coming out . So then this lift up make a turn on a slide kind of and face me I could see the v the tips of his nose I thing was facing me and , told myself and laught. Fuck mate wth nobody gonna believe that shit . That why my first reflex was to taking picture of and video record it … I could see this very to bright wall of light coming out it the front of this v shape craft . You’ll se it on the picture … I’ll let you be the judge . At the moment I try to video record my phone that to no answer to my want and a dog bark verry loud close to me , i thing myself in a joke but î’ Have to admit believe it a bit « it’s that à that moment they will suck me trow this thing ». All found I see trow my phone was a very light white light . Than the thig got higher and left in a aging burst of this bluewish light . So I got home and didn’t even wake up my gf because i though she gonna thig you’re are crazy , so I white everything down made a draw of my understanding of the v shape Object . » |
Nom de l’enquêteur | |
Classification Vallée (voir légende) |
Degré de crédibilité (indice SVP) (voir légende) |
Une réflexion au sujet de « Not sure what I was bus I wasn’t something I know and it’s was rectangle with powerful bluewish white light »