Bright sphere follows jet liner in Northern Quebec. (Ouje-bougoumou)

«My son, daugher, a friend of the family and myself witnessed what seem to be a shere following a jet liner. My son was the first to notice the object as he was watching the jet fly by. Just to let you know, we get quite a few jets fly over the area (Chibougamau- Chapais). He asked me to have a look. . . . Right away I could see the sphere flying above the jet at about an eleven o’clock position. At frist the sphere was dim the it got very bright. The color looked to me like a light green luminescent. Then it went dim again. A few minutes later the same thing happens, very bright again. This went on well after we lost sight of the jet liner itself.…»

– Le témoin, 67 années

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L’observation en bref

Numéro de dossier AQU-2017/10/07
Date du rapport 2017/10/07
Date de l’observation 2017/10/07
Heure de l’observation 18H05
Lieu Ouje-bougoumou
Région 05 – Estrie, 10 – Nord-du-Québec
Résumé Bright sphere follows jet liner in Northern Quebec. (Ouje-bougoumou)


Spécificités de l’observation

Nb de témoin(s) 4
Forme de l’objet Bright lightt luminescent
Couleur de l’objet Green Pearl
Distance de l’objet 15 Km
Altitude de l’objet 35,000 to 40,000 feet
Vitesse approximative It stayed in sync with the jet liner
Météo Le ciel était Dégagé / La température 10°C


Compte rendu du témoin


My son, daugher, a friend of the family and myself witnessed what seem to be a shere following a jet liner. My son was the first to notice the object as he was watching the jet fly by. Just to let you know, we get quite a few jets fly over the area (Chibougamau- Chapais). He asked me to have a look. Right away I could see the sphere flying above the jet at about an eleven o’clock position. At frist the sphere was dim the it got very bright. The color looked to me like a light green luminescent. Then it went dim again. A few minutes later the same thing happens, very bright again. This went on well after we lost sight of the jet liner itself.



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Classification Vallée
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